You may need to scroll up to see this menu. To edit the personalized link to your personal meeting room, in the navigation menu on the left side of the page, click Profile. The Edit Meeting options will load – here, you can change any settings you may need to change based on the needs of your class. To start the process of editing your settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Edit this meeting. To access the settings for your personal meeting room, in the navigation across the top of the page, click Personal Meeting Room. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be brought to the Meetings section of Zoom. To set up your personal meeting room, you’ll first need to log in to Zoom at IU. You can use your personal meeting room for meetings that you schedule, as well as for unscheduled meetings. At IU, every Zoom user has a dedicated meeting room of their own, and the option to set a personalized URL for your personal room that’s easy to remember.

This will help when it comes to scheduling Zoom meetings for your class sessions.

Description of the video:In this video, I’ll be going over the essentials of scheduling and starting meetings in Zoom.